March 29 Day of the Landless

Press Release:


Pakistan Kissan Mazdoor Tehreek (PKMT) and Roots for Equity along with Asian Peasant Coalition and other Asian organizations has celebrated the Global Day of the Landless under the theme “Heighten the struggle against global land grabbing! Resist Imperialist Plunder on Land and Resources!” This day marks the struggles of millions of farmers across the globe who have been evicted forcefully. A vast majority of these evicted farmers are those who lived in these lands for many generations.


To mark the Day of the Landless, PKMT held a protest in front of the Lahore Press Club on March 29, 2016. At the protest, Raja Mujeeb, National Coordinator, PKMT stated that thousands of farmers across Pakistan were facing forceful evictions faced because of the ongoing land grab prompted by the Pakistani government for promoting corporate agriculture, free trade zones and so called development projects. Farmers from many districts of Punjab participated in the protest including farmers from Rakh Azmat Wala, Rajanpur who face forcefully eviction from lands they have tilled for nearly a century.  Tariq Mehmood, Khyber Pakhtunkwa (KPK) Provincial Coordinator, PKMT stated that the KPK government has issued notifications in Hattar, Haripur to evict farmers from 1,000 acres of land for the development of Hattar Economic Zone. These farmers had been tilling this land for many decades and the notification will result in at least a thousand families to be evicted forcefully. According to Hakim Gul, Sindh PKMT member, the Sindh government had also embarked on similar imperialist land grab policies –huge chunks of land is being allotted to foreign corporations for corporate agriculture and building energy power plants.


Zahoor Joya, Punjab Provincial Coordiantor PKMT stated that the Punjab government and their touts were forcefully evicting the farmers of Rakh Azmat Wala in Rajanpur. These farmers since March 2015 have not been allowed to sow any crops; it is tragic that instead of giving state land to the landless, the state is deliberately taking away land from settled farming communities. Kabir Khan a member of the Committee Rakh Azmat, representing the farmers from Rakh Azmat Wala, stated: “We have not been able to grow wheat, our food crop for two seasons and cash crops such as cotton and tobacco which are our only means of livelihood. At the same time, our livestock is also dying from hunger and thirst. All because the state is not allowing us to grow crops and fodder on our own lands.” Other Committee Rakh Azmat members elaborated that the British in the 1920s had promised them land entitlements to this land which their ancestors had converted to tillable land; false promises that were continued over the decades – even the current government officials had promised land entitlement in lieu of votes. But after their government was formed they have actually conspired to snatch 3581 acres of land from Rakh Azmat Wala community to give to foreign corporations and powerful political families.


Today, due to land grab, thousands of evicted farmers in Pakistan are facing loss of livelihood, hunger and misery. Land, instead of being provided to the landless is being handed over to corporations and foreign investments. PKMT and Committee Rakh Azmat demands that the Punjab Government should immediately put a stop to steps being taken for evicting the Rakh Azmat farmers. In addition, the act of land evictions from the entire country should be stopped and instead equitable land distribution should be carried out in order to attain food sovereignty and national sovereignty.


Released by Pakistan Kissan Mazdoor Tehreek and Committee Rakh Azmat Wala;

Urdu Press Release

29 March Landless Day Urdu Press Release

News Paper Coverage Links

Tragedy of Infant mortality from drought in Thar

Press Release

Pakistan Kissan Mazdoor Tehreek (PKMT) while addressing a protest on the issue of malnutrition and child mortality in Thar due to lack of food. The protestors expressed serious concern over the dreadful situation of Thar. Leaders of PKMT said that New Year comes with the promises of happiness in the world but in Thar, a district of Sindh, comes with reports of hunger, poverty, malnutrition and death which added difficulties in the life of Thar residents.


Estimation of infant mortality is calculated from the records of public hospitals while there is no record of deaths from remote areas. It should be clarify that the so called nominal aid is only able to reach just around Mithi and other tehseel’s headquarters while waiting children of suburbs died without getting assistance. Much of the deaths are accounted for the reasons of food shortage.

It is clear that drought and lack of food are neither spontaneous nor impossible to solve. As in previous years, this year government again claimed that the crisis in Thar is not related to malnutrition and lack of food but the children deaths due to pneumonia and other diseases while facts told quite another story. National Federation Survey showed 70 percent of mothers are suffering from vitamin A deficiency in Sindh, almost half of children failed to develop their mental and physical stability and 40% of children weighs less than their age. According to the World Food Program most of Tharparker’s population suffers from food insecurity that has been living on food shortage. Nutritional deficiencies among women and children reduced immunity then they are easily prone to disease. These facts clearly show that poverty, unemployment and food scarcity are the main causes of Thar issue, leading child mortality and other complexities.

‘Some NGOs have started various activities to address nutritional deficiencies in children’ for PKMT ‘this is not the permanent and sustainable solution of this issue’. According to locals, once 50kg of wheat’s sack in three or five months provided by the provincial government doesn’t solve of their hunger, poverty, starvation and many other problems. They want that decent jobs to fulfill their nutritional needs. Drought has caused the extinction of animal fodder and many lost their cattle & livestock which were the main sources of getting food.


Pakistan Kissan Mazdoor Tehreek (PKMT) believes that the foundations of this crisis due to unfair distribution of wealth in society where the weakest class is deprived of employment because of not having access to productive resources. Majority of farmers do not have their own land which is the major cause and needs permanent solution. PKMT demands permanent transfer of power to the country’s poor majority through just and equitable distribution of land because this is the only durable solution to food insecurity and livelihood.

PKMT strongly demands comprehensive, genuine and practical steps to tackle the crises of food and unemployment in Tharparkar as soon as possible.

23 march 16 press releas sukkur urdu2 copy 23 march 2016 pr sindhi1 copy

PKMT Women Farmers Pledge to Resist Oppressive Forces!

Women Say No to Imperialist War and Aggression, Strengthen the Women’s Movement and Fight for National Liberation!

This International Women’s Day, March 8, we women must unite to fight repression, fascism, militarization and wars of aggression.  We must involve ourselves  in the struggle for  just peace as we took part  in the struggle to defend our lands,  our jobs, our livelihood and our rights.  We should affirm our commitment to build a strong women’s movement towards  women’s emancipation.  Women will never be free  in a free market economy where crisis plagues us all.  Imperialist wars of aggression are inevitable.  We must continue to defend  our country,  our sovereignty toward national liberation.

DSC_0830Women the world over are resisting wars of aggression and occupation. Women have joined and organized solidarity and protest actions against US wars in Afghanistan, in Iraq, in Kurdistan, and in Syria and the occupation of Palestine.

This March 8, the International Women’s Alliance (IWA) and its member organizations will join the call to resist Imperialist plunder and war.


Monopoly capitalism is in deep crises.  As the second cold war heats up, imperialist super powers led by the US prepare for the eventuality of a war.  They have intensified their wars and occupation across the globe — in the Middle East, Asia, Africa and Latin America—to maintain political and economic hegemony.  They have maintained puppet and client regimes to protect their economic interests all over the world.  They will protect their interests at all cost.  They have compelled  puppet regimes to pass  anti-terrorism and counter-insurgency measures targeting leaders, women and men, of national movements.Resistance against imperialism  have been met with violence and repression. Imperialist countries and puppet regimes connive to use sexual violence against women as a tool of war and curtail the fundamental rights of the people.



Treaties and agreements have been laid down for rapid forward deployment of US troops under the US Pivot to Asia as a springboard for US interventionist war in West Asia and the Middle East and to block off Russia, China and North Korea.

With the US Pivot to Asia, the US has laid down the framework for expanded defense relationship.  Through the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) and the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement in Australia, Philippines and Singapore, the US has unrestricted basing access anywhere in these countries. The US has also developed joint military exercise programs that engage the services of each nation to an average of 40 joint exercises per year. It conducts ballistic missile training using Patriot System at its bases and has confirmed the deployment of the most advanced missile defense systems in the world, the Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense or THAAD.  The US has also succeeded in “normalizing US-Vietnam relations with the Joint Vision Statement signed in May last year, extending the Memorandum of Understanding for Advancing Bilateral Defense Cooperation.  It has ensured the support of Japan for the wars of aggression  with the signing of the Security Laws that circumvented the protectionist character of the Japanese constitution. Both Thailand and the Philippines signed a Mutual Defense Cooperation with the US.


Women’s resistance is a product of the crisis of imperialism that perpetuates discrimination and oppression, racism and chauvinism, militarization, fascism and state terrorism, wars of aggression and occupation.

The peoples’ struggles, the women’s resistance are results of capitalist exploitation and oppression.  Imperialism has ignited the resistance of the women of the world.  Toiling women bear the brunt of the crises.  Peasant and indigenous women have remained the world’s poorest as states broker their lands to transnational corporations  and despotic local landlords continue to steal their share in tilling the land and connive with foreign interests  to turn lands into corporate farm, mining, eco-tourism and military camps that  displaced peoples and communities. Women workers face unemployment.  If and when hired, they keep on working even with lower wages under difficult working conditions.  They are the first to be fired as capitalists cut their production cost. They bear the brunt, not only of government neglect in providing quality public social services, but become victims of the Public Private Partnership policy that encourages private profit for public social security. Most women opt to work abroad and suffer the same exploitation in the hands of abusive employer.

The past years saw women at the forefront of the struggle against sexual abuse and oppression.  Peasant and indigenous women organize themselves and lead campaigns against landlord, land grabbers and against transnational corporations.  Women workers joined marches to demand for jobs, decent wages, better working conditions and the joined unions and stood at picketlines to demand worker’s rights protection and wage increase.  In capitalist countries, massive protest actions are being launched.  The people of color, joined by women of color,  in the United States and in many parts of the world have challenged racism,  state terrorism and has challenged neoliberal policies and capital exploitation.

More and more women are joining the struggle to fight for their rights and many more are joining resistance movements against the wars of aggression.  Women continue to work within people’s resistance movements in the struggle for national sovereignty and national liberation.

URDU Translation

IWA Statment I

IWA Statment IIPKMT Press Release

world women day 2016

SHO injured, 10 fall unconscious in police-villagers clash in Badin

Dawn Report | 3/2/2016

BADIN: A station house officer (SHO) was injured and 10 protesters, most of them women, fell unconscious when a strong contingent of police tried to evict several families allegedly occupying around seven acres of land in Sain Bux Rind village, located within the Ward-5 of the city, on Tuesday.

Witnesses said that a police force riding eight vans and an armoured personnel carrier surrounded the village and ordered its inhabitants to vacate the land immediately.

However, the villagers offered stiff resistance claiming that they had been living on these lands for more than four decades.

The police force moved into action and started demolishing the houses one after the other. The villagers, men and women, tried to physically stop the police from going ahead with the operation upon which they were baton-charged, which aggravated the situation. More people joined in the resistance and during the course of the clash, SHO of the Model police station Hakim Ali Jalbani, who was leading the operation, was attacked with a hatchet. Police lobbed teargas shells to disperse the protesters causing eight women and two children to fall unconscious.

The police officer was rushed to the Badin Civil Hospital where doctors referred him to the Hyderabad Civil Hospital due to his grave injuries.

According to villagers, two children jumped into the nearby canal when they could not bear the suffocation caused by teargas. They were unaccounted for till late in the evening, they added.

The villagers claimed that the land in question belonged to the Badin Industrial Zone and they had never been asked by any authority to vacate it until Deputy Commissioner Rafique Ahmed Qureshi recently leased out a portion of it to a friend of his, Tariq Ahmed. They alleged that the DC issued the eviction order to oblige the `buyer` and asked the area police to use force against them [occupants of the land].

The DC, however, insisted that the villagers were illegally occupying the land and would have to vacate it.

Reports reaching here late in the evening said that a 600-strong police force sent to the scene surrounded the village with the help of 15 vans and an armoured personnel carrier.

Four villagers were picked up on suspicion of their involvement in the attack on the SHO.