Pakistan Kissan Mazdoor Tehreek Solidarity Visit to Riverine Area Farmers

Roots for Equity is working with small and landless farmers settled on river banks in Multan. In early March, heavy rains caused flooding of the rivers in Multan which led to flooding of many fields, especially those which were just next to the river bank. Many farmers lost their wheat crop completely, or partially. According to the local communities such an unexpected disaster has come after more than 5 decades.


All farmers in this village were landless. In fact they were sitting in this precarious area, just next to the river because they have not been able to find land anywhere else. Even here they had leased land just so that they could grow wheat that is a most sought after crop by all farmers across the country. What they grow they save for their household food security.Therefore, their loss is very heavy not due to the economic cost of the crop but its critical importance as a food crop.


PKMT farmers paid a solidarity visit to the riverine area farmers after hearing of the their loss. According to the PKMT farmers, the loss suffered by farmers due to unexpected rain-floods was based on the changing weather patterns due to climate change. The loss should be demanded from the government of Pakistan.


PKMT farmers visited the wheat fields many of which had suffered from the floods. The riverine area farmers explained that they had sown only indigenous seeds as part of the work initiated by Roots for Equity. In addition, farming methods were based on sustainable agriculture, using only animal dung as fertilizer and irrigation water was from the river.


According to the PKMT farmers, many of the wheat fields that were able to escape from the climate change disaster were in very good condition. The wheat grain is very big and healthy. They hope that the production will not only be very good but also yield very good quality seed for next season sowing.


A lunch was served for the visiting farmers. Farmers from the community had also arranged a musical program in honor of PKMT. The day ended in folk dance and local music and songs.
