Pakistan Kissan Mazdoor Tehreek Demands Farmers’ Collective Rights over Seed and Genetic Resources!

Pakistan Kissan Mazdoor Tehreek held a protest against the Amended Seed Act 2014 which was passed by the National Assembly on March 16, 2015. The protest was staged at the national capital, Islamabad in front of the National Press Club on March 24, 2015. Their demand was to the Pakistan Senate to stop all further progress on the draft Seed Act, and in its place start processes for a farmer-friendly Seed Law which upholds the collective right of farmers on seed and genetic resources.

Islamabad Seed act Protest Express Newspaper_edited-1

Islamabad Seed act Protest Jahan Pakistan

2 thoughts on “Pakistan Kissan Mazdoor Tehreek Demands Farmers’ Collective Rights over Seed and Genetic Resources!

  1. Salam send me a contact for more info regarding Pakistan kisan mazdoor tehreek pls thankyou

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